Tag: altruism

Many Lives, Many Masters: Dr Brian Weiss in Melbourne

Many Lives, Many Masters: Dr Brian Weiss in Melbourne

I feel guided to share an element of my recent Dr Brian Weiss workshop with you.

I first attended a Hay House workshop with Brian Weiss three years ago in Coolum, Australia. The experience was one of life’s personal epiphanies. I connected to the very essence of Brian’s spiritual being, which is pure love. Love in its unconditional form had been barren in my own childhood and I’ve spent a lifetime looking for it, to find that true love is within (but that’s another story).

Brian Weiss represents humility, compassion, benevolence, kindness and love on such a high vibrational level that his light is awe-inspiring. He resides in this physical realm in a state of pure love.

On this recent weekend in November ’15 in the heart of Melbourne, Brian Weiss took to the stage in his humble manner, and unbeknownst to many of us, the world was watching Paris fall to its knees. Brain eloquently expressed the crucial importance of spirituality, embracing love, compassion, kindness and the consideration of the good of others.

One of Brian’s metaphorical concepts presented in the workshop has resonated deeply and I wish to share. Brian Weiss asked us to imagine that we were all ice cubes floating around in cold water. Cubes were being emptied from an assortment of ice cube trays. Imagining the cubes had consciousness, Brian asked us to imagine the discussions the cubes would have in the water, “We have neater and sharper edges than you” or “Look at those cubes, they’re dented and misshaped”. These words of difference would lead to arguments and battles. Brian then asked, what happens when the all cubes melt? Every individual ice cube would return to its original state of: water. All the cubes are in fact the same. As to life on Earth, we are all connected. We are from the same source and true spirit.

I truly connected with this metaphor. Brian Weiss also powerfully added during his workshop “There is only one religion, LOVE’. By opening our hearts and living from true heart, we can practice unconditional love and live with empathy, compassion, altruism and kindness.

Only love is real! Thank you Brian for sharing your true heart and true wisdom.

With Love

Sarah xx

Brian L. Weiss, M.D., the best-selling author of Many Lives, Many Masters and several other books, he is an American psychiatrist & hypnotherapist who specialises in past life regressions. Dr. Weiss conducts national and international seminars and experiential workshops as well as training programs for professionals.